Common Painful Conditions That Physical Therapy Can Treat

No matter where it hurts, physical therapy can deliver effective relief and help you move more easily

Aches and pains can develop just about anywhere in the body. Sometimes pain greets you the first thing in the morning and then dissipates by the time lunch rolls around, while in other cases it becomes a daily visitor that seems to overstay its welcome. But regardless of how long it lasts, pain can always interfere with your ability to get through the day and degrade your quality of life in the process.

When pain arises, the natural reaction for most people is to hope that it goes away on its own. While this outcome is a reasonable possibility, it’s certainly not the best strategy, especially when pain continues to rear its head. For these cases and for pain that just won’t seem to dissipate, additional interventions are needed.

Physical therapy represents one of the safest and most effective treatment options available for all types of pain. Whether it’s short-lived (acute) or long-term (chronic) and no matter where it is in the body, there is an appropriate physical therapy plan that will address your pain with a variety of tactics and techniques.

Below, we offer a brief overview of what physical therapy strategies are typically used to treat some of the most common types of pain:

Searching for Back Pain Treatment in Visalia?
The back is far and away the most common location for pain in the body. At any given time, about 25% of Americans report experiencing low back pain at least once within the past three months, and at least 75% of people will experience at some point in their lifetime. Symptoms vary significantly, as pain could be dull, burning, or sharp, and it may be concentrated or spread over a broad area.

Physical therapy for low back pain also varies depending on the type and severity, but certain interventions are likely to be used in most cases. These include manual (hands-on) therapy techniques like spinal manipulation to improve the mobility of joints and soft tissues, strengthening and flexibility exercises, patient education about how better care for your back, pain-relieving modalities, and training on how to properly lift, bend, and sit to avoid further aggravation.

Need an Expert for Neck Pain Treatment in Visalia?
Neck pain is the third most common cause of chronic pain and it affects about 30% of adults each year, particularly those in the 30-50 age range. It usually manifests as a sharp, stabbing or dull, aching pain and tends to make it difficult to turn one’s neck and perform activities like working, driving, or playing sports.

Physical therapists will first identify the source of each patient’s pain and then target symptoms with a variety of interventions. This may include stretching exercises to improve the range of motion of the neck, strengthening exercises for the arms and upper back, massage and other manual therapy techniques, and posture training if posture is believed to be a contributing factor.

Looking for Shoulder Pain Treatment in Visalia?
Most shoulder problems that lead to pain result from a tear or inflammation of a tendon, instability, arthritis, or a fracture. People who perform lots of overhead activities on a regular basis like painters, carpenters, swimmers, and baseball players are all at an increased risk for developing shoulder pain, and bad posture can contribute as well. It usually manifests as pain and discomfort that occurs when moving the arm overhead and a restriction in shoulder motion.

A typical treatment program for shoulder pain will include both active and passive interventions. Stretching and strengthening exercises are often needed to improve flexibility and build back strength, while manual techniques like soft-tissue massage and shoulder stretches will help to improve range of motion. Heat, ice, and other modalities are often used to reduce pain levels, while patient education and functional training may also be needed.

Trouble Finding Knee Pain Specialist in Visalia?
Knee pain is also extremely common and represents the biggest cause of disability in people aged 65 and older. It may develop from a traumatic event or a chronic condition like osteoarthritis, and the resulting pain could range from mild to severe.

Treatment depends on the specific condition present, but usually involves stretching exercises to decrease tension and help restore the normal motion of your joints, strengthening exercises to address any muscle weakness or imbalances, manual therapy techniques to guide your joints into a less stressful movement pattern, and functional training. Braces and other assistive devices may also be prescribed for some types of knee pain.

How Physical Therapy Can Help If You’re Looking for Hip Pain Relief in Visalia
In most cases, hip pain is the result of a chronic condition like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, but it can also be caused by injures like fall-related fractures. Symptomatic hip osteoarthritis will affect about 25% of the population at some point, which typically leads to a sharp, shooting or full, achy pain, along with stiffness, weakness, and difficulty performing daily activities.

Physical therapy can be used to help you avoid surgery, or in the cases when surgery is required, to help you recover. A physical therapy will prescribe interventions to reduce your pain, boost your strength and flexibility in the leg, hip, and back, and improve your balance and walking ability. Active and passive exercises, as well as guidance on how to return to activities will form the basis of your program.

Ankle Pain Expert in Visalia – Try PT First
The most likely cause of pain in the ankle is a sprain. Ankle sprains are the most common injury in the athletic population, accounting for 45% of all sports injuries. They are most frequent in sports such as basketball, football and soccer, but can occur during any sport or activity when the ankle moves beyond its normal range of motion.

Physical therapy for ankle pain from a sprain will first involve a period of RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), followed by a structured rehabilitation program. This program usually involves range of motion exercises to restore ankle movement, strengthening exercises to help you regain your strength and prevent any long-term ankle disability, balance training to improve your stability, and functional training that will help you complete activities you might have difficulty with like walking, running, or jumping.

The Role of Physical Therapy

As you can see, physical therapists know how to approach any type of pain in any region of the body with a specific and customized treatment approach. So if you’re currently dealing with pain of any sort, contact us to get started on a treatment program today.

Contact Us at (559) 733-2478 for more information.

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