Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment in Visalia

If you need rheumatoid arthritis treatment in Visalia or Hanford, we can help.  This post describes how our physical therapy expert clinicians assist patients with their rheumatoid arthritis care in Hanford and Visalia.

Physical Therapy Should Be An Integral Component
Of Any Treatment Plan For Rheumatoid Arthritis

The ends of most bones are covered by a smooth, shiny surface called articular cartilage. The cartilage protects bones where they meet one another—at a joint—and provides a smooth surface that allows the bones to slide freely and not contact one another during movement.

Arthritis is general term that’s used to describe the loss of articular cartilage in one or more joints. About one in four Americans—which equates to nearly 59 million people—currently has arthritis, making it one of the most common medical conditions in the U.S. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, but osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are by far the most common of these.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, meaning it’s caused by the body’s own immune system mistakenly destroying healthy cartilage in joints. It occurs for reasons that are not completely understood, but a combination of genetics and hormonal or environmental factors likely play a role in its development. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect any joint of the body, but usually starts in the small joints of the hand. Women are about three times more likely than men to get rheumatoid arthritis, and it usually occurs in middle age—with an average age of onset of 30-60 years—but it’s also seen in younger individuals.

Rheumatoid arthritis can lead to a variety of symptoms, with some of the most common including:

  • Stiffness, swelling, and/or redness in joints, which is usually worse in the morning
  • Weakness and/or loss of range of motion
  • A sensation of “cracking” or “crushing” in the hand joints
  • Increased size or deformity of the hand
  • Fatigue and general discomfort

Unfortunately, there is no cure currently available for rheumatoid arthritis. Instead, most patients are managed with medications and other interventions designed to help them move more easily and efficiently, and physical therapy is one of the best tools to help them get there.

Physical Therapy as a Choice for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment in Visalia

Our physical therapists are movement experts that work with each patient individually to identify their biggest limitations from rheumatoid arthritis that are holding them back. From there, we design a personalized treatment program to address these symptoms, which will usually consist of:

  • Manual (hands-on) therapy: may include soft-tissue massage, stretching, and joint mobilizations to reduce pain and improve alignment, mobility, and range of motion
  • Stretching exercises: to improve the flexibility of joints affected by arthritis
  • Strengthening exercises: to build back up strength of the muscles of the hand and any other affected joints
  • Pain-relieving modalities: ultrasound, electrical stimulation, ice, and/or heat to decrease pain and inflammation of the involved joint

Research Supports the Use of Physical Therapy – Therefore, We Provide for Rheumatoid Arthritis Care in Visalia & Hanford

The benefits of physical therapy for rheumatoid arthritis have been confirmed in the medical literature, including one study of 490 patients. Results from this study showed that physical therapist-led hand exercises led to significant improvements in pain and hand function, and the intervention is likely to be cost-effective.

Rheumatoid arthritis can prove to be a nuisance that interferes with your ability to function normally in everyday life. So if you’re affected by symptoms that sound like rheumatoid arthritis, we can help.

Contact Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy at 559-733-2478 (Visalia) or 559-582-1027 (Hanford)


…to learn more about our rheumatoid arthritis experts in Visalia and Hanford…or to schedule an appointment today.

Knee Ligament Rehab in Visalia and Hanford


Tears Of Other Knee Ligaments Can Usually Be Treated Nonsurgically With Physical Therapy

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are frequently discussed in the sports world due to their high prevalence and season-ending potential. But the ACL is just one of four major ligaments in the knee, and the three other ligaments can also be injured, either independently or in conjunction with others.

The consequences of these injuries are usually not as dire as ACL tears, and most patients can therefore participate in physical therapy alone and experience a complete recovery.

The type of knee ligament injury is determined by the force upon the knee

The four major ligaments of the knee and the most common mechanism of injury are described below. All four ligaments connect the tibia (shinbone) to the femur (thighbone) in different locations. As you’ll see, the type and severity of the injury depends on the direction of the force upon the knee:

  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)

    • Connects the inside top of the tibia to the outside bottom of the femur in a diagonal direction
    • Prevents the tibia from sliding too far forward on the femur
    • Injuries most commonly occur when a patient changes direction with one foot planted
  • Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)

    • Also connects the inside top of the tibia to the outside bottom of the femur, running diagonally in the opposite direction of the ACL
    • Prevents the tibia from moving too far backward on the femur
    • Strongest ligament of the knee and least likely to be injured, but the most common mechanism of injury is a force applied to the front of the knee
  • Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)

    • Connects the tibia to the femur on the outside of the knee
    • Provides stability to the outside of the knee and prevents the knee from buckling outward
    • Most common mechanism of injury is a force applied to the inside of the knee while the foot is planted
  • Medial collateral ligament (MCL)

    • Connects the tibia to the femur on the inside of the knee
    • Provides stability to the inside of the knee and prevents the knee from buckling inward
    • Most mechanism of injury is a force applied to the outside of the knee while the foot is planted

Surgery is needed far less often for non-ACL injuries

Injuries to these knee ligaments are called sprains. In a mild, or grade I sprain, the ligament only stretches and is slightly damaged.

Grade II sprains are partial tears of the ligament, while grade III sprains are complete tears of the ligament.

In some cases, more than one ligament will be damaged or torn from a single traumatic event, such as a severe sports-related injury.

As we explained in our last blog, surgery is often recommended for most patients with complete ACL tears that want to return to a high level of activity. But for knee ligament injuries that don’t involve the ACL, surgery is needed far less often, and many patients can experience a completely recovery with physical therapy alone.  The reason this is the case is that rarely are the other knee ligaments completely torn in two pieces (grade III sprain).

Rehab may even be sufficient even for some complete tears of the PCL, MCL, or LCL; however, treatment decisions must be made on an individual basis according to the extent of the damage and the patient’s intended level of activity.

Physical Therapy Almost Always is Important for a Full Recovery

Even in cases when surgery is warranted, physical therapy will also play a role in helping patients prepare for the procedure and in the recovery afterwards. Physical therapy programs for sprains and tears of the PCL, MCL, and LCL typically consist of the following:

  • Manual (hands-on therapy) techniques to alleviate pain and improve function
  • Pain-relieving modalities like ice, heat, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation
  • Range of motion exercises to increase flexibility and help patients regain normal mobility
  • Strengthening exercises to increase the strength of weakened muscles of the upper and lower leg
  • Balance and agility training to help athletes regain their sense of balance
  • Sport-specific training that progressively increases in intensity as the patient regains function

If you’ve recently suffered a knee ligament injury and want to get back on the field or court as quickly and safely as possible, we can help you get there.

Contact Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy at 559-733-2478 (Visalia) or 559-582-1027 (Hanford) to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment today.

You can also click here to visit our contact page.

Deep Tissue Laser Therapy for Tennis Elbow

Laser Therapy May Provide Benefits For Your Painful Condition

TLDR;  if you want to try deep tissue laser therapy in Visalia or Hanford for tennis below or other tendinitis diagnosis, give us a call.

In our last blog, we explained that lateral epicondylitis—or tennis elbow—is a painful musculoskeletal condition that occurs most commonly in athletes and other individuals who frequently perform movements that involve lots of gripping or extending the wrist.

We also pointed out that high-intensity laser therapy (HILT) is an emerging treatment option available for sports-related injuries like tennis elbow in which a high-powered laser is applied to painful areas of the body to produce changes within the cells in a process called photobiomodulation. Results from the study featured in that blog found that HILT was more effective than low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for tennis elbow, and other research has also reached similar conclusions.

A Second Study Concludes Deep Tissue Laser Therapy is a Valuable Treatment

Another study focused exclusively on the use of HILT for tennis elbow. In this study, 65 patients with tennis elbow were randomly assigned to either undergo HILT or wear a compression bandage. In the HILT group, a high-intensity laser was applied for 75 seconds to the most painful areas in a circular motion to produce a pain-relieving effect for the first four sessions. In the following six sessions, the laser was applied for 12.5 minutes to the painful areas in a linear motion to elicit a biostimulatory effect. These 10 HILT sessions took place over two weeks. Patients in the other group were instructed to wear a bandage that applied moderate pressure to the elbow for six weeks.

All patients were assessed before and after treatment with various outcome measures. These included an evaluation of hand grip strength, the visual analog scale (VAS) for pain and function levels, the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) score for upper extremity physical functional activity, and the Short-Form 36 (SF-36) survey for quality of life.

Significant Improvements with Deep Tissue Laser Therapy

After completing treatment, patients in both groups reported significant improvements in all outcome measures evaluated. Patients who underwent HILT, however, experienced greater improvements in resting VAS scores and the physical component of the SF-36 survey. These findings suggest that while both interventions were beneficial, HILT may have been slightly more effective than compression bandaging for relieving pain and improving quality of life in patients with tennis elbow. Additional research is now needed to further explore the efficacy of this intervention in the long term.

Deep Tissue Laser Therapy is Available in Our Visalia 0r Hanford Offices

Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy proudly offers laser therapy as a supplemental intervention to physical therapy for tennis elbow and many other painful conditions.

So if you’re currently dealing with lingering pain, contact us at 559-733-2478 (Visalia) or 559-582-1027 (Hanford) to learn more about laser therapy or to schedule an appointment.

Best Lower Back Pain Treatment in Visalia – It’s Prevention and It May Extend Your Life

Preventing lower back pain my extend your life.  But, if you are experiencing lumbar pain, and are looking for the best back pain treatment in Visalia, we can help.

More on Prevention and Longevity

Low back pain is incredibly common. About one-half of all working Americans will experience symptoms at least once every year, and roughly 31 million are affected by it at any given point in time.

So if you consider yourself part of this group, you have plenty of company.

Dealing with low back pain can be troublesome and place a strain on everyday life. Typical movements like bending over to pick something off the ground or twisting your torso when looking to the side might suddenly give you pause and make you less mobile in the process. This is one of the main reasons low back pain is also one of the leading causes for missed work due to disability.

Anyone Can Experience Lower Back Pain

Low back pain is most prevalent in individuals between the ages of 30-60, which is mainly due to the aging process. Anyone can get low back pain and it can develop for a variety of reasons, but there are certain factors that are believed to increase one’s chances. These risk factors include older age, poor physical fitness, a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, diseases like arthritis and cancer, occupations that strain the back, smoking, depression, and anxiety.

Fortunately, most cases of low back pain will resolve on their own in a short period of time, but up to 10% of individuals will go on to develop chronic low back pain when it lasts for more than three months. When the condition becomes chronic, it can have an even more significant impact on quality of life, and it also becomes more difficult to treat.

According to Scientists, Here’s Why You Want to Avoid Chronic Back Pain

According to a recent review, having chronic back pain may reduce one’s life expectancy as well.

For the review, researchers performed a systematic search for published studies that evaluated the impact of low back pain on the risk for death (mortality) in patients. This search led to 11 studies being included in the review, which included data on more than 80,000 patients who were monitored for 5–23 years. Results showed that mild back pain did not have any long-term associations with mortality and is therefore unlikely to impact the length of one’s life. However, patients with chronic back were found to have a modestly higher mortality risk compared to those who didn’t have back pain.

Address Lower Back Pain Quickly with One of the Best Lower Back Pain Treatment Options in Visalia or Hanford


These findings suggest that over time, chronic low back pain may reduce one’s life expectancy through various mechanisms, such as greater disability, reduced quality of life, and physical inactivity. Therefore, it stands to reason that addressing low back pain early and preventing it from progressing to the chronic stage may improve an individual’s quality of life and extend their lifespan.

One of the safest and most effective ways to alleviate low back pain is through a course of physical therapy, which is based on personalized treatment programs that teach patients various exercises and movement-based techniques that reduce pain and increase function.

Don’t Let Pain Get In Your Way – We Can Help

To learn more about what we can do for your low back pain, contact Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy today:

559-733-2478 (Visalia)

559-582-1027 (Hanford) 

Common Painful Conditions That Physical Therapy Can Treat

No matter where it hurts, physical therapy can deliver effective relief and help you move more easily

Aches and pains can develop just about anywhere in the body. Sometimes pain greets you the first thing in the morning and then dissipates by the time lunch rolls around, while in other cases it becomes a daily visitor that seems to overstay its welcome. But regardless of how long it lasts, pain can always interfere with your ability to get through the day and degrade your quality of life in the process.

When pain arises, the natural reaction for most people is to hope that it goes away on its own. While this outcome is a reasonable possibility, it’s certainly not the best strategy, especially when pain continues to rear its head. For these cases and for pain that just won’t seem to dissipate, additional interventions are needed.

Physical therapy represents one of the safest and most effective treatment options available for all types of pain. Whether it’s short-lived (acute) or long-term (chronic) and no matter where it is in the body, there is an appropriate physical therapy plan that will address your pain with a variety of tactics and techniques.

Below, we offer a brief overview of what physical therapy strategies are typically used to treat some of the most common types of pain:

Searching for Back Pain Treatment in Visalia?
The back is far and away the most common location for pain in the body. At any given time, about 25% of Americans report experiencing low back pain at least once within the past three months, and at least 75% of people will experience at some point in their lifetime. Symptoms vary significantly, as pain could be dull, burning, or sharp, and it may be concentrated or spread over a broad area.

Physical therapy for low back pain also varies depending on the type and severity, but certain interventions are likely to be used in most cases. These include manual (hands-on) therapy techniques like spinal manipulation to improve the mobility of joints and soft tissues, strengthening and flexibility exercises, patient education about how better care for your back, pain-relieving modalities, and training on how to properly lift, bend, and sit to avoid further aggravation.

Need an Expert for Neck Pain Treatment in Visalia?
Neck pain is the third most common cause of chronic pain and it affects about 30% of adults each year, particularly those in the 30-50 age range. It usually manifests as a sharp, stabbing or dull, aching pain and tends to make it difficult to turn one’s neck and perform activities like working, driving, or playing sports.

Physical therapists will first identify the source of each patient’s pain and then target symptoms with a variety of interventions. This may include stretching exercises to improve the range of motion of the neck, strengthening exercises for the arms and upper back, massage and other manual therapy techniques, and posture training if posture is believed to be a contributing factor.

Looking for Shoulder Pain Treatment in Visalia?
Most shoulder problems that lead to pain result from a tear or inflammation of a tendon, instability, arthritis, or a fracture. People who perform lots of overhead activities on a regular basis like painters, carpenters, swimmers, and baseball players are all at an increased risk for developing shoulder pain, and bad posture can contribute as well. It usually manifests as pain and discomfort that occurs when moving the arm overhead and a restriction in shoulder motion.

A typical treatment program for shoulder pain will include both active and passive interventions. Stretching and strengthening exercises are often needed to improve flexibility and build back strength, while manual techniques like soft-tissue massage and shoulder stretches will help to improve range of motion. Heat, ice, and other modalities are often used to reduce pain levels, while patient education and functional training may also be needed.

Trouble Finding Knee Pain Specialist in Visalia?
Knee pain is also extremely common and represents the biggest cause of disability in people aged 65 and older. It may develop from a traumatic event or a chronic condition like osteoarthritis, and the resulting pain could range from mild to severe.

Treatment depends on the specific condition present, but usually involves stretching exercises to decrease tension and help restore the normal motion of your joints, strengthening exercises to address any muscle weakness or imbalances, manual therapy techniques to guide your joints into a less stressful movement pattern, and functional training. Braces and other assistive devices may also be prescribed for some types of knee pain.

How Physical Therapy Can Help If You’re Looking for Hip Pain Relief in Visalia
In most cases, hip pain is the result of a chronic condition like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, but it can also be caused by injures like fall-related fractures. Symptomatic hip osteoarthritis will affect about 25% of the population at some point, which typically leads to a sharp, shooting or full, achy pain, along with stiffness, weakness, and difficulty performing daily activities.

Physical therapy can be used to help you avoid surgery, or in the cases when surgery is required, to help you recover. A physical therapy will prescribe interventions to reduce your pain, boost your strength and flexibility in the leg, hip, and back, and improve your balance and walking ability. Active and passive exercises, as well as guidance on how to return to activities will form the basis of your program.

Ankle Pain Expert in Visalia – Try PT First
The most likely cause of pain in the ankle is a sprain. Ankle sprains are the most common injury in the athletic population, accounting for 45% of all sports injuries. They are most frequent in sports such as basketball, football and soccer, but can occur during any sport or activity when the ankle moves beyond its normal range of motion.

Physical therapy for ankle pain from a sprain will first involve a period of RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), followed by a structured rehabilitation program. This program usually involves range of motion exercises to restore ankle movement, strengthening exercises to help you regain your strength and prevent any long-term ankle disability, balance training to improve your stability, and functional training that will help you complete activities you might have difficulty with like walking, running, or jumping.

The Role of Physical Therapy

As you can see, physical therapists know how to approach any type of pain in any region of the body with a specific and customized treatment approach. So if you’re currently dealing with pain of any sort, contact us to get started on a treatment program today.

Contact Us at (559) 733-2478 for more information.

Physical Therapy After Back Surgery in Visalia or Hanford

A recovery from back surgery can only be completed with physical therapy

Back pain is a class of its own. As the most common painful disorder, about 85% of Americans will experience low back pain at least once in their lives. So if you’ve never dealt with bothersome pain or stiffness in your spine, you are technically part of the minority.

Anyone can get low back pain and it can develop for a variety of reasons, but there are certain factors that increase one’s chances of getting it. These include older age, poor physical fitness, a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, other diseases like arthritis and cancer, risky occupations that may strain the back, smoking, depression, and anxiety.

Though it can be a bothersome condition that may interfere with your daily life, fortunately, most cases of low back pain will improve over time and with non-surgical, or conservative treatment. Conservative care is strongly recommended in nearly all cases of acute low back pain, and physical therapy is typically regarded as a fundamental component of this approach. Physical therapists implement a variety of interventions that are designed to decrease pain, increase function, and prevent further recurrence, and the majority of patients will notice these benefits as they progress through their program.

But a small percentage of patients don’t respond to physical therapy and continue to experience cumbersome back-related issues. These non-responders may be considered good candidates for surgery because conservative methods have failed to produce satisfactory improvements. Surgery may also be recommended for patients with persistent and disabling pain that’s due to certain conditions, including herniated discs, bone spurs, spinal stenosis, broken bones, or more serious problems like spinal infection and spinal tumors.

Explaining the necessity of physical therapy after surgery
If you fall into one of these groups and come to decide that surgery is the best path forward, your surgeon will explain what to expect before, during, and after your procedure. In particular, your surgeon will tell you that while the surgery itself will correct the anatomical problem that is responsible for your symptoms, it doesn’t guarantee a positive outcome in and of itself. Physical therapy begins as soon as the day after surgery and is regarded as an integral part of the recovery process that strongly increases the chances of success. Post-surgery physical therapy programs vary depending on the procedure and patient, but some of the most common interventions you’re likely to see include the following:

  • Pain-relieving modalities: ice, heat, electrical stimulation, and other passive modalities will be administered in the immediate days after surgery to reduce your pain levels
  • Stretching exercises: in the first week after surgery, your therapist will teach you gentle stretching exercises for the hamstrings and quadriceps muscles of the thigh; as you continue to heal, you will progress to stretching the back and abdominal muscles as well
  • Strengthening exercises: starting in week 2 of your recovery, you will begin basic strengthening exercises to build back the core muscles of your lower back and abdomen; these exercises will also increase in intensity as you progress, with elastic bands, exercise balls, and yoga stretches being incorporated staring around week 6
  • Manual therapy: your therapist will probably perform several manual—or hands-on—therapy techniques to increase mobility and alleviate pain, such as massage around the surgical incision, mobilization, and manipulation
  • Aerobic exercise: starting around week 9 after surgery, you should be ready to begin engaging in low-impact aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking, swimming, bike riding, and stair climbing; your therapist will guide teach you to perform these activities in the safest possible manner that keeps your risk for reinjury low

While surgery can generally be avoided for most cases of low back pain, as we’ve shown, there are certain circumstances when it may become a necessity. If you decide to have back surgery and want to get back to your pre-injury levels as safely and quickly as possible, physical therapy is the best way to get there, and we can help. Contact us today to learn more or schedule an appointment.

Hip Impingement and Labral Tears

For a common hip condition, physical therapy and surgery lead to similar outcomes

All sports carry an inherent risk for injury based on the specific movements involved. Athletes that participate in sports with frequent leg extension and bending of the hips are at an increased risk for hip injuries, and issues like labral tears and hip impingement are becoming increasingly common in certain sporting populations.

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint in which the thighbone (femur) acts as the “ball” and a portion of the pelvis called the acetabulum is the “socket.” Both the femur and acetabulum are covered with smooth articular cartilage that protects bones and prevents them from rubbing against one another. Another specialized piece of cartilage called the labrum provides a suction seal and stabilizes the hip joint.

Hip impingement is a common condition in which excess bone that’s formed around the femur causes these two bones to rub against each other. Labral tears, which are also common, occur when the labrum is damaged from being pulled too far away from the acetabulum. These tears may result from a traumatic incident like a fall or an accident, but are most frequently overuse injuries caused by repetitive hip movement, particularly from sports like soccer, football, ice hockey, running, and golf.

Both conditions can lead to similar symptoms, which usually include pain in the hip or groin, stiffness, and a catching-like sensation in the hip. In many cases, labral tears don’t lead to signs or symptoms, but when they do, it can seriously interfere with your ability to function normally and participate in athletic activities.

Why we believe physical therapy is a better option than surgery

Injuries to the labrum can be treated conservatively (non-surgically), and we consider physical therapy to be the best solution available. A typical treatment program for one of these hip injuries will include the following:

  • Recommendations for rest and limiting or temporarily stopping participation in sports
  • A muscle-strengthening program that focuses on the muscles of the hip, core, and legs
  • Manual (hands-on) therapy
  • Movement re-education to help restore normal motion of the hip, back, and legs

The benefits of physical therapy for hip impingement have been highlighted in the medical literature, including one study published in 2018. In this trial, 80 patients with hip impingement were randomly assigned to undergo either surgery or three weeks of physical therapy, and were then followed up for two years. After this period, both groups experienced significant improvements, and “there was no significant difference between the groups at two years.”

These findings suggest that patients with hip impingement could expect to experience similar improvements, but it’s worth noting that surgery is associated with higher costs, a greater risk for complications, and often an extensive recovery period. Given these factors, we recommend that patients choose physical therapy because it’s a safer and less costly treatment option for their condition.

Get Started on Treatment for Your Low Back Pain Right Away with Physical Therapy

Low back pain is a global issue on a massive scale that can be illustrated in a few key statistics:

  • It is currently the number one cause of disability in the world
  • The amount of years spent with disability from low back pain has increased by 54% since 1990
  • About 37% of the world’s population experiences low back pain every year
  • At any given point in time, about 540 million people are affected by low back pain worldwide

Research also shown that the problem is pervasive and very few people are completely immune. More people are affected by low back pain in high-income countries than low- and middle-income countries, but rates are rapidly increasing in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East as well. And although low back pain is more common in women and older adults, it can strike nearly anyone at any age. In fact, one study showed that 40% of 9–18-year-olds worldwide have dealt with low back pain at some point.

But despite how widespread low back pain is and all that’s known about it, it may surprise you to hear that the cause of pain cannot be identified in the majority of cases. In some patients, serious conditions like spine fractures, inflammation disorders, infection, and cancer may be present, which can be detected by certain diagnostic tests. But in the absence of disease or mechanical dysfunction that is known to be responsible, a diagnosis of “nonspecific low back pain” is usually given because there is no single problem found to be causing the pain.

Why physical therapists focus on treatment over diagnosis

This may sound somewhat discouraging if you’re currently dealing with low back pain, but as physical therapists, you should know that the cause of your pain is not as important as you might think. Many people get hung up on obtaining a diagnosis for their pain and go on to have various tests to reach one. But since getting an actual diagnosis is rare, having these tests may do more harm than good, as it can lead to unnecessary treatments like surgery when problems unrelated to the pain are treated.

Rather than focusing on the diagnosis, physical therapy concentrates on addressing the pain, starting with your very first session. With movement-based therapies and exercises individualized according to your abilities and goals, we will work with you on a one-on-one basis and target your pain with a variety of techniques. We believe that movement is a key ingredient to alleviating low back pain and preventing it from returning, which is why we promote a more active lifestyle along with your treatment program from the get-go.

Current research is continuing to support physical therapy as an effective means to addressing back pain, no matter the cause. In one recent study that reviewed current guidelines on the best treatments for low back pain, researchers recommended the following:

For many patients with nonspecific low back pain, simple first-line care (advice, reassurance and self-management) and a review at 1-2 weeks is all that is required. If patients need second-line care, non-pharmacological treatments like physical therapy should be tried before pharmacological therapies.

So if you’re dealing with low back pain, don’t concern yourself too much with what’s causing it. Instead, take action and see your physical therapist now for an evaluation and treatment plan that will address your issues and help you move pain-free once again.

Failing to access physical therapy could be contributing to the significant waste in the U.S. healthcare system

First, we’d like to take a minute to wish everyone a happy and blessed holiday season and thanks to all of our patient and community for the opportunity to serve you.  

Now, let’s talk about some of the major problems with our healthcare system…and Visalia and Hanford aren’t immune to this.

It’s a common talking point by now that the U.S. healthcare system is in need of repair, and one of the biggest issues is extremely high costs. In fact, we spend more on health care than any other nation in the world, with about 18% of our gross domestic product (GDP)—and approximately $10,000 per person—going directly to this system. But it’s also been found that significant portion of the money spent on health care is wasted, meaning that much can be saved if these areas are targeted.

Several studies have looked into these costs and how much can be considered “wasted spending,” but the most recent one was published in 2012. For this reason, researchers performed an updated review of the literature to estimate the levels of waste in the U.S. healthcare system, along with suggestions on how to reduce it.

Here’s What Some of the Research Says

To conduct the review, a search was performed for studies related to health care costs or savings over the past seven years. This process led to 71 estimates from 54 pieces of literature being included. Once collected, these documents were analyzed and calculations were executed to determine how much money was wasted on health care. Below are some of the key findings of the review:

  • The estimated total cost of waste in the healthcare system was $760 billion to $935 billion
  • Interventions to address this waste could potentially save $191 billion to $202 billion
  • These estimates account for about 25% of the total health care expenditures in the U.S.

The potential sources of waste were grouped into six categories, and suggested interventions were given to address each one (“failure of care delivery,” “failure of care coordination,” “overtreatment or low-value care,” “pricing failure,” “fraud and abuse,” and “administrative complexity.” Three of these categories apply specifically to wasted costs that may occur when patients do not undergo physical therapy for a painful condition:

  • Failure of care delivery: this is waste when the best types of practices to care for patients are not adopted or poorly executed
    • Example: an elderly patient could suffer a severe fall that could’ve been avoided if the patient was properly identified as at-risk and sent to a physical therapist to undergo a fall-prevention program
  • Pricing failure: costs of services that are significantly higher in the U.S. than other countries—for various reasons—contribute to this this type of waste
    • Example: a patient with shoulder pain that sees a primary care doctor may be sent to have an expensive MRI or CT scan right away, whereas with a physical therapist, treatment would likely begin without these tests
  • Overtreatment or low-value care: this type of waste results when patients receive treatments that are not considered effective according to research
    • Example: if a patient with low back pain visits a surgeon before seeing a physical therapist, surgery may be recommended to address their condition, even though research shows that it’s better to wait

The Healthcare System is More Patient-Centric than Ever – You Have Choices!

Patients have the power to lower their healthcare costs by educating themselves about their options.  By seeing a physical therapist first before any other medical professional, you can ensure that treatment will be started right away and most likely, you will be able to avoid unnecessary tests and treatments.  Click here to contact one of our offices.

Physical Therapy First to Avoid Opioids


The opioid epidemic continues to ravage the U.S. In 2015, more than 12 million Americans reported long-term use or misuse of opioids, and there were over 42,000 deaths related to opioids in the following year. These statistics—which have largely been driven by an ongoing trend of over-prescribing pain medications—are just a brief glimpse into this multifaceted issue and the toll it’s been taking on the country.

Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most prevalent health conditions that American seek out medical care for, as up to 80% of the population will experience it at least once at some point in their lives. Several studies have shown that LBP is also among the most common conditions for which opioids are prescribed, and more than half of individuals who use opioid report a history of back pain.

This is all in spite of the fact that most guidelines recommend that opioids are not used for LBP unless other recommended treatments have failed and it’s likely that the expected benefits of opioids will outweigh the risks. Instead, these guidelines recommend that patients with LBP try other non-drug treatments first, which includes physical therapy, exercise, and other similar interventions.

Physical therapy is a movement-based strategy that addresses painful issues like LBP with a variety of exercises and techniques designed to alleviate symptoms and help patients move more easily. The primary advantage of physical therapy is that it identifies the root of the problem and helps patients learn to overcome it with specific movements, while pain medications like opioids are only intended to be a short-term solution that simulates pain relief. Physical therapy is also regarded as an extremely safe intervention with minimal to no risk for side effects.

Why physical therapy is recommended first, as outlined by a recent study

Patients with LBP have several options when it comes to deciding what type of medical professional to see for their condition, and it’s possible that who they see may affect the likelihood of receiving an opioid prescription in the future. With this in mind, a study was conducted to evaluate whether there is a connection between the medical professional these patients see and their eventual use of opioids. Below is a summary of the results:

  • Over five years, there were 126,504 patient visits for LBP
    • More than half of patients (53%) initially saw a primary care doctor, while only 1.6% initially saw a physical therapis
  • About 18% of patients received an opioid prescription within 3 days of the initial visit, 22% received one within 30 days, and 1.2% used them in the long term
  • Patients who saw a chiropractor, acupuncturist, or physical therapist first all had significantly decreased odds of both early and long-term opioid use compared to those who saw a primary care doctor first
    • Patients who visited a physical therapist first had a 85% decreased chance of using opioids early after their visit compared to a primary care doctor

These findings show that it really does make a difference what type of medical professional you see first for LBP, and this applies to other conditions as well. Patients in pain are therefore encouraged to see a physical therapist before anyone else in order to begin an effective treatment plan that will lead to improvements while avoiding the risk of being prescribed opioids.

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